Tuesday, July 8, 2008

run for the needy, anyone?

What does a hotel and an educational institution have in common to cause them to come together, if not their passion to help the less fortunate in society?

Dynasty Hotel under the caring leadership of its general manager Dennis Ngau Jok have been organising a charity event, the Run For Charity joggerthon for five consecutive years and Kolej Fajar, together with other sponsors, has been supporting the event faithfully over the years.

This year, Kolej Fajar has decided to sponsor all the prizes for the event.

On hand to present the sponsorship to the organising committee yesterday was its Chief Executive Office Dr. Peter Tham.

Also present were Dennis, the organising chairperson Fylice Loh and several committee members.

The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas sponsored the prizes for the top three collectors.

The prizes for the first, second and third top collectors are return flight Miri-KL, Miri-Kuching and Miri-Kota Kinabalu respectively.

Sibuti Member of Parliament Ahmad Lai is expected to flag off the runners on 13 July 2008 at 6:30am and the Assistant Minister of Infrastructure Development and Communication Lee Kim Shin, who is also the event patron is expected to officiate the closing ceremony later in the morning.
Money raised from the event is for charity work like donation to the Miri Dialysis Centre and festive goodies for the least fortunate during festive seasons like the Chinese New Year, the Gawai Dayak and the Hari Raya Aidilfitri.ENDS.

Caption: 08-7tham9: FOR A GOOD CAUSE: Tham (seventh from left) symbolically handing over the prizes to Dennis while other committee members witnessed.

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