Sunday, June 15, 2008

The solitude of the night

My family has gone to sleep-except my firstborn son who is in his friend's house-and I am left alone in the living room.Funny, they should call it the living room. The only sound I could hear is the sound of the fan. Trying to figure out what to write before I myself calls it a day. Yes, what a day it was. I have been thinking deeply about my life's calling, the ministry that I have from God. A lot of prophets has declared 2008 to be the year of new a way it really is a year of beginnings... ministry wise-it's like the beginning of new things. I have to be conscious what God is doing in my life-we somehow know God is processing us but we wonder what for. I need to believe this painful process is to build me to sustain God-given destiny for me. It is as if God is birthing something great from my life for His glory. If I don't have God-shaped character, it would destroy me... a lot of great men, mightily used by God were destroyed in the past because, maybe because they were in a hurry to display what God has given them. This is a question of timing. I remember many, may years ago when God spoke to my heart that I am like an arrow in still in the shaft? Ultimately it will be God who will pick the many arrows,one at a time, in the shaft to use at the right time for the right purpose in order to hit the bull's eye.

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